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Hello My Name is Josiah

A large part of helping individuals in need is getting the information for the resources they need, within the time frame they needed it. A lot of times if the individual cannot get the resources they need in time they will need far more resources due to the negative consequences of not having the resources they need when they need it. Usually there is only a small window of opportunity in which an individual has two get the resources they need before it becomes a much larger problem. Which will take far more resources in order to get them back to where they were. As a society if we can get people those resources in a timely manner  there will be more resources for more people.

My Story

I grew up in poverty, many times growing up we went without food and proper clothing. Several times growing up we were homeless, at 17 I found myself homeless again. I spent some time on the streets. A few years later after I finally found housing, I learned that there was a program that would've housed me immediately. but I did not know that program existed and neither did anyone else in my homeless camp. It was then that I realized that there was a huge disconnect between the people that run or contribute to services and the people that need those services. I asked you what good is the service to help someone in need if the person that needs that service does not know it exists? Often times in our society governments will put money aside for social programs and to help individuals in need, however when all of the budget for the year is not used lawmakers cut those budgets. Often times lawmakers will justify putting less money into those programs in subsequent years because it's not needed money. Josiah's List as a effort to close that gap between those offering a service and those that need the service.


There is a reason why comprehensive databases of resources had not yet been developed until the site was made. That reason is because national databases of resources have existed for those wealthy enough to afford to pay for access. Usually it is government entities that pay for this access. But that does not help people in extreme poverty that need those resources. It does not help the neighbor down the road trying to help a family in need in her neighborhood. Most of the work in America to help people in need is not done by organizations, or by individuals with lots of financial resources. It is them by the mothers, fathers, grandmother and the neighbor trying to help people in their families and communities. This site is dedicated for this purpose, for we can help as many people find the help they need in time. The mission of this site is to end the practice of pay for this kind of information. The 1% makes information scarce in order to maintain control and power. because to them people suffering and people in poverty is useful in order to get other people to do their bidding. As long as on the 1% can point to people at the bottom of society they can induce fear to the rest of society, which keeps the majority of society complacent. That complacency often times creates suffering in other ways. The goal of Josiah’s List is to make this information of resources free and open to the general population, organized in a comprehensive way that does not take lots of time scouring the Internet. And collectively we can help destroy the nonprofit industrial complex, where people make money and gain power for doing what should be the responsibility of all humanity and that is to help those less fortunate not expecting anything in return.


So I asked you to join me and others are ready dedicated to this cause. Most people know of at least one organization, one program to help people in need, sure that with us and together we can change the fabric of humanity.

How to contribute to Josiah's List

If you would like to be a contribute to this website please use the link at the bottom of this page to create a profile, once you confirm your email and your profile is approved you will be given basic access to contribute information to the database. If you do not want to create a profile this please use the form below to share information of resources and programs with us. We look forward to working with you on this cause.

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